Around the world, coastal areas are regarded as places of social and economic prosperity. However, the coast is also exposed to serious threats. Coastal erosion is one of the main risks associated with coastal areas. This phenomenon can cause high losses, with a particular focus on urban fronts. The COAST4US project - Application of the COAST tool to the Portuguese coast - aims to contribute to a more efficient mitigation of this problem, by providing decision-makers with more and better information for decision-making, by simulating scenarios of coastline evolution before the execution of a given intervention, as well as its cost-benefit ratio in relation to the current situation.
Thus, the COAST4US project intends to develop a study that validates and establishes COAST - cost-benefit analysis software for coastal interventions - as a reference tool at the national and international level. To this end, the COAST will be applied to several stretches of the Portuguese coast that face coastal erosion problems, contributing not only to better future coastal management, but also a fundamental contribution to the present coastal management.
The coastal transect selected in Aveiro district is located from São Jacinto to Gafanha da Boa Hora. Thus, it encompasses 3 municipalities – Aveiro, Ílhavo and Vagos. The coastal stretch has around 22km and includes areas with a reasonable population density and tourist potential, such as Barra beach, Costa Nova and Vagueira.
Aceda aqui a visita virtual dos resultados em Aveiro:

Vagueira Beach

Tamargueira Beach. Photography by MEOBeachcam.
The Figueira da Foz coastal stretch extends from Cabo Mondego to Cova Gala beach. This coastal stretch has about 12 km that encompasses the entire urban front of Figueira da Foz, as well as the Mondego estuary, an area with a long history of interventions aiming to improve the navigability of the estuary, but which also lead to a high level of erosion on the beaches south of the interventions.
Due to the high tourist and bathing potential of the area, it is of all interest to present solutions that aim to balance all activities present in this region.
The section to be analyzed in Caparica has a length of about 5 km, from Cova do Vapor to Cornélia. This area, part of the municipality of Almada, is also highly affected by coastal erosion. On the other hand, its tourist potential, due to its proximity to Lisbon, means that this coastal stretch has a unique importance in the social and economic development of the area.

Saúde Beach. Photography by MEOBeachcam
The coastal transect selected in Aveiro district is located from São Jacinto to Gafanha da Boa Hora. Thus, it encompasses 3 municipalities – Aveiro, Ílhavo and Vagos. The coastal stretch has around 22km and includes areas with a reasonable population density and tourist potential, such as Barra beach, Costa Nova and Vagueira.

Praia da Vagueira.
Figueira da Foz
The Figueira da Foz coastal stretch extends from Cabo Mondego to Cova Gala beach. This coastal stretch has about 12 km that encompasses the entire urban front of Figueira da Foz, as well as the Mondego estuary, an area with a long history of interventions aiming to improve the navigability of the estuary, but which also lead to a high level of erosion on the beaches south of the interventions.
Due to the high tourist and bathing potential of the area, it is of all interest to present solutions that aim to balance all activities present in this region.

Figueira da Foz. Foto por MEOBeachcam.
The section to be analyzed in Caparica has a length of about 5 km, from Cova do Vapor to Cornélia. This area, part of the municipality of Almada, is also highly affected by coastal erosion. On the other hand, its tourist potential, due to its proximity to Lisbon, means that this coastal stretch has a unique importance in the social and economic development of the area.

Caparica. Foto por MEOBeachcam.

Sessão de apresentação pública do COAST4US
No dia 25 de Maio, pelas 17:30, irá dar-se a sessão de apresentação oficial do projeto COAST4US! Além da apresentação do projeto, contaremos com oradores muito especiais, que partilharão a sua experiência ao nível de gestão das zonas costeiras. Contamos com a tua participação para um debate acerca dos benefícios que trazem as zonas costeiras e o quão importante é protegê-las. Podes fazer a tua inscrição AQUI.
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O projeto COAST4US é promovido pela R5e Consulting Engineers, em parceria com a R5m Marine Solutions e a Universidade de Aveiro. Conta ainda com o apoio da Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente (APA). O projeto é financiado pelos EEA Grants, ao abrigo do Programa Crescimento Azul, gerido pela Direção-Geral de Política do Mar. A nossa equipa é composta por especialistas no domínio das zonas costeiras dos três parceiros envolvidos.
Funded by:
EEA Grants are a Financial Mechanism through which Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway provide financial support to European Union member states with greater deviations from the European average GDP per capita. The EEA Grants aim to reduce economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area and to strengthen bilateral relations between recipient countries and donor countries.
Program operator:
Program operator:


André Cardoso

André Monteiro

Blanca Mendiguren

Bruno Rocha

Carlos Coelho

Catarina Lemos

Márcia Lima

Paulo Santos

Pedro Narra

Caroline Ferreira